5GIC 1@2x.png

Understanding 5G

A series of illustrated scenes, technologies and vehicles were created as part of an animated film series produced and directed by Wander. Commissioned by the 5G Innovation Centre theses films to help introduce the world to 5G and explain how the 5G Innovation Centre is developing the infrastructure that will underpin the way we communicate, work and live our everyday lives in the future.

We combined several different approaches including; infographics, live demonstrations, interviews, narrative animations and scripted voice overs to create short, functional and informative films.

Client: 5G Innovation Centre, University of Surrey
Agency: Wander

5GIC 2@2x.png
5GIC 3@2x.png
5GIC 6@2x.png
5GIC 5@2x.png
5GIC 7@2x.png